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3 More Instagram Advertising Tips

Instagram advertising gives brands a great opportunity to put out visually captivating content to their followers and new audiences. Instagram users are rapidly growing on this engaging social media platform and brands are leveraging its marketing benefits also. Whether it’s the nature of the platform itself or the continuous updates and changes, it is a fantastic resource for business marketers. Here are 3 more Instagram advertising tips to help you get better results from your Instagram marketing campaigns.

1: Use Instagrams Wide Range Of Features/Tools3 More Instagram Advertising Tips

Instagram is continuously making changes for the benefit of its users. There’s a lot you can do on this platform to put out better, more attractive brand posts. It is important to see all of Instagram’s features and tools available and that you can use when advertising on this social media platform. Instagram offers a wide range of filters, performance tracking, special effects and editing tools. Editing your photos to create the most visually compelling content you can, is a great way to make your brands content more attractive to the viewer. Instagram has lots of business tools to help you get a better insight into how posts are performing. The account insights feature shows you impressions, engagement levels, views, reach, clicks and more. Instagram marketers can also get insight into the gender breakdown, age range and the days/times your followers are most active.

2: Use Video

Instagram is a great platform for promoting and using videos. Videos instantly capture the attention of people because they stand out from the huge amount of content online. They don’t contain heavy reading text which consumers are always a fan of, people love watching videos especially ones that aren’t too long. If you put product videos in front of consumers, they are nearly twice as likely to make a purchase, especially if you add a strong call-to-action button. User-generated content is a great way to build trust with your online community so turning to them for ideas relating to video content is a great idea. You could share their love for your brand or get videos of customers with your products and promote those videos through ads. When you think of Instagram you predominantly think of still images more than videos. However, videos resonate and capture the interest of people just as well and just as quickly. The use of video on Instagram is so effective right now as the platform is so engaging. It’s a great way to captivate a user and keep them coming back for more so it should be incorporated into your Instagram marketing strategy.

3: Get Ideas From Others

There are so many incredible brands out there on Instagram that are partaking in advertising. By looking up or following different brands related to your brand’s field, will give you inspiration and ideas to put out quality advertising and brand content. See what works well for other brands and competitors and see what doesn’t. Ask yourself questions like what keywords and phrases are they using in their content? What posts are getting the most engagement? What types of language and conversation are they using in their content?. Being aware and analysing the content successful brands are using and then incorporating it into your own posts with your own spin on it, can work wonders. It will allow you put out great content as well as maximise your return.

To learn more about using Instagram advertising to help your brand grow then call us on 021-234-8038 or visit us online today and book a consultation.