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Every Ad Counts

3B1 are the people who make people remember your brand

3B1 is a marketing agency from Cork, Ireland. As the marketing partner for SMEs and major brands nationwide, we balance creativity with accountability. We are guided by three simple words, every ad counts. So whether it’s boosting your bottom line or engraving your brand into the hearts and minds of your audience - choose 3B1.

Increasing Awareness of Griffith College

Griffith College

griffith college
Transforming a digital advertising strategy

Keanes Jewellers

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A tenfold increase in leads


Becoming corks #1 plumbing company

Foleys Plumbing

foleys plumbing 1
Grow the Beamish brand across social media platforms


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From local business to nationwide retailer


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So What's Next?

Let's Work Together.
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