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How To See Where PMAX Is Spending Your Budget

Performance Max, or PMAX campaigns as they are also known, can give you great results when they're done right, but they can be something of a black box.

Google tends to hide information that's really important to marketers who want to improve their campaigns over time. One example is that they don't allow you to see what channels are using most of your budget and how they are performing.

That can be incredibly useful information. Maybe you're spending very little on YouTube but it's giving you a 20 to 1 return on ad spend. You can take that knowledge and create more videos, or create a dedicated YouTube campaign.

Today I want to help open up the PMAX black box and show you how to use a script, created by Mike Rhodes and adapted by Jack Felstead, to pull channel spend and performance data directly from the Google Ads API into a Google Sheet.


How To Add The PMAX Spend Allocation Script

  • First, create a copy of the spreadsheet included below.
  • Open Google Ads and log into the account you want to use the script for.
  • In the left menu select Tools > Bulk actions > Scripts
  • Click the blue + icon and select "New script"
  • Name your script something descriptive like "PMAX Spend Allocation Script"
  • Copy the script included below into the main code area (make sure you paste over or erase any existing code)
    function main() {

      let ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl('INSERT SHEET HERE');          // enter the URL of YOUR sheet over there <—

    // no need to touch any code below this line ——————————————————————————

      // define commonly used query elements. wrap with spaces for safety
      let impr        = ' metrics.impressions ';
      let clicks      = ' metrics.clicks ';
      let cost        = ' metrics.cost_micros ';
      let conv        = ' metrics.conversions '; 
      let value       = ' metrics.conversions_value '; 
      let allConv     = ' metrics.all_conversions '; 
      let allValue    = ' metrics.all_conversions_value '; 
      let views       = ' metrics.video_views ';
      let cpv         = ' metrics.average_cpv ';
      let segDate     = ' segments.date ';  
      let prodTitle   = ' segments.product_title ';
      let campName    = ' campaign.name ';
      let adgName     = ' ad_group.name ';
      let chType      = ' campaign.advertising_channel_type ';
      let adStatus    = ' ad_group_ad.status ';
      let adPerf      = ' ad_group_ad_asset_view.performance_label ';
      let adType      = ' ad_group_ad_asset_view.field_type ';
      let agId        = ' asset_group.id ';  
      let aId         = ' asset.id ';    
      let adPmaxPerf  = ' asset_group_asset.performance_label ';
      let assetText   = ' asset.text_asset.text ';
      let assetSource = ' asset.source ' ; 
      let adUrl       = ' asset.image_asset.full_size.url ';
      let youtubeTitle = ' asset.youtube_video_asset.youtube_video_title ';
      let youtubeId   = ' asset.youtube_video_asset.youtube_video_id ';
      let assetType   = ' asset_group_asset.field_type ';
      let agStrength  = ' asset_group.ad_strength ';
      let agStatus    = ' asset_group.status ';
      let aIdCamp     = ' segments.asset_interaction_target.asset ';
      let interAsset  = ' segments.asset_interaction_target.interaction_on_this_asset '
      let aIdAsset    = ' asset.resource_name ';
      let asgName     = ' asset_group.name ';
      let lgType      = ' asset_group_listing_group_filter.type ';
      let pMaxOnly    =        ' AND campaign.advertising_channel_type = "PERFORMANCE_MAX" '; 
      let searchOnly  =        ' AND campaign.advertising_channel_type = "SEARCH" ';   
      let agFilter    =        ' AND asset_group_listing_group_filter.type != "SUBDIVISION" ';   
      let adgEnabled  = ' AND ad_group.status = "ENABLED" AND campaign.status = "ENABLED" AND ad_group_ad.status = "ENABLED" ';
      let asgEnabled  = ' asset_group.status = "ENABLED" AND campaign.status = "ENABLED" ';           
      let notInter    = ' AND segments.asset_interaction_target.interaction_on_this_asset != "TRUE" '
      let date07      = ' segments.date DURING LAST_7_DAYS '  
      let date30      = ' segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS '  
      let order       = ' ORDER BY campaign.name'; 
      // build queries  
      let cd = [segDate, campName, cost, conv, value, views, cpv, impr, clicks, chType] // campaign by day
      let campQuery = 'SELECT ' + cd.join(',') + 
          ' FROM campaign ' +
          ' WHERE ' + date30 + pMaxOnly + order ; 
      let dv = [segDate, campName, aIdCamp, cost, conv, value, views, cpv, impr, chType, interAsset] // inter by day
      let dvQuery = 'SELECT ' + dv.join(',') + 
          ' FROM campaign ' +
          ' WHERE ' + date30 + pMaxOnly + notInter + order ; 
      let p = [campName, prodTitle, cost, conv, value, impr, chType] // product totals 
      let pQuery = 'SELECT ' + p.join(',')  + 
          ' FROM shopping_performance_view  ' + 
          ' WHERE ' + date30 + pMaxOnly + order ; 
      let ag = [segDate, campName, asgName, agStrength, agStatus, lgType, impr, clicks, cost, conv, value] // asset group by day
      let agQuery = 'SELECT ' + ag.join(',')  + 
          ' FROM asset_group_product_group_view ' +
          ' WHERE ' + date30 + agFilter

      let ads = [campName, asgName, agId, aIdAsset, assetType, adPmaxPerf, agStrength, agStatus, assetSource] // pMax ads
      let adsQuery = 'SELECT ' + ads.join(',') +
          ' FROM asset_group_asset ' +
          ' WHERE ' + asgEnabled;

      // call report function to pull data & push to named tabs in the sheet
      runReport(campQuery, ss.getSheetByName('r_camp'));  
      runReport(dvQuery,   ss.getSheetByName('r_dv'));    
      runReport(pQuery,    ss.getSheetByName('r_prod_t')); 
      runReport(agQuery,   ss.getSheetByName('r_ag')); 
      runReport(adsQuery,  ss.getSheetByName('r_ads'));  


    // query & export report data to named sheet
    function runReport(q,sh) {
      const report = AdsApp.report(q);
  • On line 4 of your code, replace INSERT SHEET HERE with the url of the Google Sheet you created
  • Click Run, then Run without preview.
  • Click Authorise.
  • Sometimes at this stage, you may need to authorise again. If you do, just repeat the last 2 steps again.
  • Now open your Google Sheet and all of the data from your PMAX campaigns should be displayed.
  • Go back into your Scripts, and hit edit under the frequency column next to your script.
    Set it to run daily.

Now your script will update your Google Sheet every day with new data.

Want to learn more? Follow me on LinkedIn or follow 3B1 on YouTube for regular insights and strategies.

Written by Christian Donovan, Director of Performance Marketing at 3B1.